AEO - Authorized Economic Operator

The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is a strategic partner of customs that, after having proven compliance with the requirements and criteria of the AEO Program, will be certified as a reliable low-risk operator and, therefore, will enjoy the benefits offered by Customs, related to greater agility and predictability of their cargo in international trade flows.
- Based on risk management
- Drive compliance through benefits
- Management control x transaction control
- Continuous monitoring of operators
The AEO program consists of the recognition, by Customs and Control Bodies, of the international supply chain operators who demonstrate their ability to manage the risks to which they are exposed.
One of the eligibility criteria, mapping the reliability of the operator, indicates that customs risk management is mandatory. The purposes of this criterion are: Identify, analyze, evaluate, prioritize, manage and monitor events that may affect the objectives related to the criteria of the AEO Program.

t-Risk Software (SaaS) has been available since 2015 to support organizations in managing their risks. It is a tool that assists in the identification, analysis and assessment of risks, in addition to supporting risk prioritization and treatment processes. It complies with the risk management process defined in ISO 31,000. Available in Portuguese, English and Spanish, it increases productivity by up to 80%.
After defining the controls that will be implemented, improved or maintained, to keep risks within the organization's risk appetite, it will still be possible to monitor all projects, tasks and controls through the 5W2H module for project management.
AEO risk management process
After contextualizing the risk assessment to be carried out, the objectives of the risk identification stage are: Determine the risk events, list the causes of the risks and their respective effects (consequences), if the risk occurs.
- Risk events: These are uncertain events on which the applicant has management over and that negatively impact the objectives of the work processes;
- Causes: They are factors that favor the occurrence of risk;
- Effects: They are the negative consequences, impacts and derivations, if the risk occurs.
The objectives of the risk analysis stage are: Analyze the existing and necessary controls, determine the inherent risk through the expected loss and the residual risk after adjusting the controls (simulation). This step will help present the ROI (return on investment) of the indicated controls, demonstrating a reduction in expected loss.
- List the controls: Treatment (procedure) adopted to prevent the occurrence of the causes of the risks and / or minimize their consequences (impact of the effects);
- Inherent risk: By simulating risks without implementing or adjusting controls;
- Residual risk: Simulation of risks after the implementation and adequacy of controls.
El objetivo principal de la etapa de evaluación de riesgos es apoyar la toma de decisiones sobre qué riesgos deben mitigarse y qué controles se indicarán. Para apoyar esta toma de decisiones, será necesario determinar la eficiencia y efectividad de los controles existentes, controles idealizados y definir la inversión requerida para implementar los controles.
En esta etapa también será posible validar si el ROI (retorno de la inversión) de los controles indicados es adecuado o no y si los riesgos residuales están dentro del apetito de riesgo de la organización.
Los objetivos de la etapa de priorización y tratamiento de riesgos son: Desarrollar un plan de acción, proyectos y tareas relacionadas con los controles que se mantendrán, implementarán y/o reducirán, teniendo en cuenta la inversión disponible.
Una buena planificación es esencial para el éxito de cualquier proyecto y la planificación no se trata solo de definir sus objetivos y crear las acciones deseadas. Debe realizar seguimiento de los detalles de cada tarea que pueden influir en los controles de riesgo de su organización. Para ayudar en este proceso de planificación, hemos puesto a disposición el módulo 5W2H dentro del software t-Risk.
El objetivo de la etapa de seguimiento y mejora continua es apoyar el proceso de auditoría en la obtención de información y evidencia registrada a lo largo del proceso de gestión de riesgos. Todos los proyectos y sus respectivas tareas se registran en el software y se pueden auditar en cualquier momento.
El panel de comparación de indicadores (KPIs) de los diferentes ciclos de análisis de riesgos puede mostrar la evolución de los riesgos en los proyectos y en la organización.
t-Risk genera informes de riesgos personalizables para la aduana de forma automatizada.